Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday the 13th...

It's Fiday the 13th May 2005. I am a bit paranoid when it comes to superstitions, I would keep a look out for anything out of the ordinary and make sure I don't get myself into any trouble. LoL.

Funny thing is today work was interrupted by the server having problems. Phones, e-mail & network connection was DOWN!!

WooHoo! Great news for us. The best Friday ever. Worked since 6am, lines went down at 9am and still was down when I left at 4pm. Everyone was in a walking around talking to each other, socializing with each other, chances like this is extreamly rare, in the office. All the agents who were on queue were lazing around, while the managers were running around to see if they could do anything.

So I guess all you Australian's and Kiwi's have to sort your problems yourself today! LOL.

Will be heading out to KL in a few hours time. Hope to do some shopping this weekend in the malls and some clubbing.


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