Thursday, April 28, 2005

waiting for the weekend

It's already Thursday!! Tha weekend is just around the corner. Just want to get out of the office and away from all the calls.

Been trying to fill my time up with any activities I can find and do. Been working out hard to get what I want in 3 months, it's like the 4th week now. Slight improvements can be seen. I guess a little more effort would help speed up the process.

Been trying to watch some DVD movies that I haven't watched yet. It's just a little boring watching it alone.

Hmm..quite a few people were on Medical Leave today and what a coincidence it rained the night before. Guess no one expected it to rain like it did.

Ah..i just got a call from a friend who seems to be lost. She seems to be unsure of her own feelings. She doesn't know what to do or what she wants. NOW she's regretting her decision after the other person can't provide what she wants. Worst of all is that she wants what she lost back after she knows that person can change!

Remember what you said? "No Regrets". That's what you told me when you made your decision. Don't be so sad, let time heal all the pain.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

after a short holiday..

If you didn't know Australia and New Zeland had a long weekend break last week starting from Friday evening till Monday night! It was ANZAC Day for them, which also means a holiday for us TSS who support ANZ. The whole department is closed.

Usually after a long weekend the next working day which was Tuesday, all the calls would flow in like a Tsunami! 6 call waits! 5 call waits! non stop for almost the entire day. We all had to eat lunch in the office and keep answering calls to help the poor ol' customers. "Oh hello I got 5 systems for you today. 3 of them have the same problem and the other two have different problems"

But this is what it's like after long weekends. I'm dying here! No Lunch!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Pics from KL trip!

Here are some of the photos that I took when me and the guys went to KL. Enjoy!

Burger King Posted by Hello

This Restraunt serves nice Italian Food! Posted by Hello

Group Photo! Posted by Hello

Alex With his MOnster! Posted by Hello

Camsaw with his Super Monster! Posted by Hello

Me with Alex's Monster Posted by Hello

Alex busy installing tripod for vid cam. Posted by Hello

Honda Civic EP3 Posted by Hello

Toyota AE86 Levin Posted by Hello

Getting ready for Track Day. Inside Pit Lane Sepang. Posted by Hello

Alex & Me (thanks for the ride Alex) Posted by Hello

Self Test! Posted by Hello

Ian & Me Posted by Hello

Ian "Celica" Khong Posted by Hello

YSKhong Motorsports Posted by Hello

Lau Chua & Me gettin high on Caffine! Posted by Hello

Taking a break from Late night Driving Posted by Hello

Can't have everything

Just sitting back and relaxing now.

I've been thinking about life now. I noticed that there are things that were meant to be like it is and there are things that you want to have, like money, a car or a house. But when it comes to people, everyone wants everything. can't have everything when it comes to a relationship. One has to understand what kind of love is it that drives you to continue living everyday. It's possible to find a person who you love that has what you want and need in life, it's also possible to find a person who can give you joy and laughter in life. It's rare to find someone who has both.

But if enough effort is put into a relationship anything is possible. Both lovers must understand what needs to be done and how it's going to be done. Talk it through, talk in detail, talk about the ins and outs, let all the emotions flow and speak. Don't leave it all inside and regret it all later. Putting it all inside isn't going to help, it's only going to make things worst.

Choice, which is right? which is wrong? what will happen if i choose this path in life?

But that's life, some people just can't see it.

Talked to my friend yesterday & tried to do what's right but I guess it just not meant to be anymore. I'm ready to move on if she is.

Your move!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Guess Who?

Today I watched a movie, Guess Who? starring Ashton Kutcher.

Overall the movie was funny! Had a good laugh with some of the jokes and funny scenes. Ashton Kutcher is a really good actor. His facial expressions are excellent for this show.

So I suggest you guys reading watch it!

Went out with some TS people, Melissa, Vincent & Issac.

Thanks for the treat Melissa!

Andy's Movie-O-Meter = 9/10

awsome weekend..

It's Monday! at least it's a holiday for me today. Was in KL for the weekend, hitched a ride in Alex's car. Left on Friday night around 10pm and arrived in KL at 4:30am! Well we did get a little lost once we arrived in KL, somehow we did manage to get to Xarrax's house in Sunway. Went straight to bed upon arrival.

Next morning (Saturday) all of us got up around 11am and had brunch. I ate this "Char Siu Rice" which was quite good. After that we headed to YSKhong Motorsports, my friend Ian Khong and had a chat about cars, cars and more cars. Too bad my car sifu Ivan Khong was not free to hang out with us. Ian was on his way to Lee Mudguard where my Kelisa is at. Small accident in KL left my car in the workshop and awaiting JPJ letter to get it repaired.

Ian asked me to hang out and go clubbin with him later. Sure why not?! He picked me up around 10pm and we headed out to this club RUSH. Out of all the guys there I was the only one who joined Ian for clubbing session. Being Ian Khong we had VIP reserved seats in the house. Met some of his friends Alice, Mary and a few other gals, I can't remember all their names. Had some conversations with the gals, but I felt i was losing my voice having to nearly shout to talk to them over the loud music. Then later Janine(dunno if that's the correct spelling) They all had Chivas mixed with coke. If my memory serves me right there was about 4 bottles there and were empty by the time we left. I had loads of fun dancing to the music and feeling carefree for a few hours.

We were forced to leave when one group of people a few tables down were breaking bottles and glasses! WTF is that?! Jeez, some people just don't know how to think. Too bad though it was only 2:45am and the music was nice. Had a relaxing drink at Jelutong Mamak. Mike, one of Ian and Ivan's friend took me home in his Subaru!!!

Arrived back in Sunway around 3:30am, took a shower and went to bed.

Woke up around 10am to get ready for Track Day in Sepang. Before that Alex, Camsaw and me went to Sunway Pyrimid to buy tapes for the video cams. Damn...can't do any shopping this trip, not enough time. Arrived in Speang around 1:30pm, got ready for the session to start at 2pm. Hoped in Alex's car and became his navigator for the day.

Overall the trackday was ok, I expected it to be crowded, but turned out there were no WRX's or EVO's on track! Lots of Hondas and Protons, the only car which turned heads was a black Honda Civic EP3. Though we had some problems, one of our members had a problem with his carburator, his fuel line poped out and spilled all over the engine bay!! Lucky there was no fire! Other than that the day was just Ok.

Track day ended around 5pm and we left at 6:30pm after packing. Later that night we decided to head to 1-Utama in Bandar Utama to eat Burger King and the guys wanted to go look at a car shop. We sat in BK untill 10:30pm. lol.

Me and Alex decided to head back to Penang after dinner. Was suppose to leave around 11pm, but ended up leaving at 12am. I took responsibility driving Went to pump gas and reached the highway around 12:30am. Then zoom...zoom...zoom..............................................stoped 1 time for coffee around 1:50am. Zoom......................................3hours and 15 mins later we arrived in Penang. Oh yea Alex's car is a stock standard Kelisa by the way. LoL.

Werid I didn't feel tired. Maybe it was because of the loud music me and Alex were listening to. We were listening to the Radio! Hitz!. Alex has not been listening to the radio at All those nice songs they played were not framiliar at all to him. Lolz. It's a little sad actually, everytime the gang goes to KL we are going to the Track or Events, no actual time for Shopping or checking out the shops in KL.

We all should plan a weekend for only shopping and hanging out in KL, next trip! BooYa!

Well that weekend is over. Can't wait for next weekend in 4 days time. Whheeee.


Friday, April 22, 2005

Good Day! is a great day, it's FRIDAY! and i'm goin to KL for track day on Sunday. Plus it's a holiday for me on Monday!

Work was relaxing today, not much stress. More controlled and tolerable.

Will be co-driver with Alex a.k.a Lestat in his car. Plan is to leave Penang around 10pm tonight!

Well I'll be away for a few days. I hope to get photos and post them here.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Decisions & Choices 2

Since the last post, I've been thinking hard about this. But I just won't work if I decided, it has to be a decision that is made and agreed upon by both of us.

In my situation, I have little trust in my special friend after what she did to me. Also I have little trust in my own feelings bacause after deciding to move on with life, going forward, there are a few speed bumps that require special attention.

My friend told me "You have to make it work, individually, what do you really want?"

I want to make it work, but I've learnt an important lesson in life. To have an open mind. Thinking differently from others, making sure to look at life from different perspectives. Most importantly is to have an open conversation with everyone.

Only You can make yourself do the things you want. Your decision to do something would effect how you will live it. So many choices.....

I've decided to take it slow. No point in rushing anything now, "Let it happen naturally" my special friend said. :) I want to see you happy. I may not be able to give you that happiness.

Take things slow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

hanging out

I went to watch a movie with my new good friend Melissa who is a work collegue. Unfortunately most of my other collegues have already watched this movie and didn't want to join us. Anyways the movie was The Eye 10 it's a Horror flick.

Well to summarize the whole show, it's about 5 teenagers who are in Thailand. They were bored and decided to try to see ghosts, one of the teenagers found a book shop that sold this special book that guided the reader on how to see the sipritual universe.

All the teens decided to try these steps to see the spirits, which in turns out to be havoc. It's an ok show, nothing special. There were a few funny parts which I guess was a bit comical.

A warning to all Horror Movie lovers, THIS SHOW IS NOT FOR YOU! DO NOT WATCH IT!


Andy's Movie Meter = 3 ouf of 10

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


So far life has been a pretty rough. It's gettin smoother but with smaller bumps.

Met up with a special friend to talk things through. Our past relationship has taken quite a crash course in terms of learning new feelings and understanding how it all works. I guess you could call this a life learning exprience.

But looking at the bigger picture there is so much to see, do and improve. After doing some thinking it's becoming clear that the decisions have to be made by both sides on what they really want from each other. I wanted her back, but she dosen't know if that decision would be right or wrong. So I just tried to forget, but it isn't as easy as it seems. But moving on she seems happy what her new found love.

I know my mistakes now, I tried to hard to get her back, when i knew that i shouldn't have.

After discussing further with her, I found out that she is willing to be more open everytime we meet. This time she talks more openly to me, discussing more complicated problems and stuff we never talk about before.

Now it's not possible to have everything you want. You would need to give one up to have the other.

Decisions and Choices.

Monday, April 18, 2005

missing part...

A good friend has been calling me lately for advise on her relationship with her boyfriend. As a guy I could give some or little advise about what a guy is doing in a relationship.

In a relationship trust, communication and respect is important. Nearly as important as how two people feel about each other. But people ask, how do you define love? what is love? everyone has a different answer. My answer would be sacrifices. To be able to love someone you have to learn to open up to that person, learn why that person loves you. It's never easy if that person is playing hard to get or playing it cool & mysterious. If you truly love that person you would learn to understand.

But then again there is this question, "what is your heart telling you?" "where does your heart tell you where you should belong?"

Funny...., I don't even know the answer to that. Yet...

Being sad and lonely makes a person think alot about life and the world outside.

The feeling of emptiness...the missing part.

....mONdaY Blues....

The day started after only getting 1 hour and 20 mins of sleep before waking up and noticing that i'm already late for work. Moved as fast as I possibly could and made it to work, the moment I logged into the started ringing and ringing and ringing. Nearly non-stop calls for most of the day.

Then worst part of all is that the Manager On Duty (MOD) would call and pester us to hurry up and answer calls. I mean...give us a little break will ya?

Worked from 6:40am till 5:00pm...that's 10 hours without overtime pay. :(

Just before I left this customer called in and wanted to speak to me. Ok so as a responsible agent I took the call and helped her.

Me: Thanks for holding on the line. I tried contacting you since 3pm earlier but only could get your answering machine.
Woman: Oh yea i was out for a few hours in the afternoon. I don't see any messages on my answering machine (well DUH! I didn't leave you one b*athc!)
Me: Well earlier I got a call from your helpdesk and told me about your problem with the computer.
Woman: Yea! This problem I had has been going on for months now. I can't continue work and Blah BLah Blah..
Me: I understand your situation, I apologize for the inconvience caused. Is it possible to run the Dell Resource CD Diagnostics on the system so we can narrow the problem. Which then makes it easier to send you the replacement.
Woman: eeerr...we don't keep those cds here. The helpedesk people have it.
Me: alright let's skip that. i'll get a technician down with some parts to he can fix your computer.
Woman: Oh so how long does that take? When is the technician coming?
Me: according to my databse, the system has a Next Business Response time.
Woman: ok, now is it possible to get a USB keyboard so i continue to work on my laptop.
Me: why do you need a keyboard for a laptop
Woman: It makes my life easier..the laptop is a smaller type.

Well at the end there was no possible way to send a keyboard just because your system has broken down. Some people are just not right.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sunday Already?

Aaawww...the weekend always passes by so fast!

I had a splendid weekend with friends from work. They showed me a great time and lots of them wished me Happy Birthday. Wow, I don't think I've been wished that many times for the entire day!. Lolz. :)

So my weekend started on friday night when I took a special friend out for japanese dinner. Had a nice talk and discussion untill around 12am when I got a call from some friends from work who insisted to take me out for clubbing session.

We went to a place called Chillout at Gurney. It was packed with people, all moving & shaking to the music. The DJ played nice songs with his mixes the house was jam packed by 1am, then we left around 2:15am when some of my friends had a little too much to drink. Reached home around 3:30am when i went straight to bed.

Saturday Morning, woke up around 11am to send my younger bro to his car driving exam. Then straight off to the gym to workout and get in shape. Met up with Andy who was also working out. We did some chess presses, bench presses and a good sprint onthe running machine. Finished around 1:30pm, me had a shower and went out to wish a special friend good luck in her exam!. While I was there I met Dinesh who was my 1st buddy when I started as a CMG in Dell. Was nice to see him, too bad we didn't have the time to chat 'cause he was taking the exam too.

Went for lunch at Fish & Co and had the grilled salmon. Damn! this shop serves a really nice fish! Lots of choices too. Hmm..I got this free gift from my bank, it was a massage pillow from Ogawa. Went to the shop to collect the free gift but as usual they are fresh out of stock, new stock will arrive sometime at the end of the month. Oh well, just my luck huh. Lolz.

Skipping forward to the evening, made some plans to meet up with Julz, Paul, Alex and some other guys who I knew from work. We met up at SOHO which is a small pub/club. DJ spinned some cool music but it was a bit annoying when he was talking over the music. The later it got the more people came in, the pub was so packed with people that walking from one end to the other was a workout! Lolz.

Left the pub due to overcrowding!. Went to Segafredo to have some coffee and chat with all the guys. Headed home after coffee, had to send some guys back on the way. Got a call from a special friend around 3am, who was sad and needed some comfort. Being a person who is caring I went over to comfort her. I didn't want to see her like this. Wonder why her bf was treating her this way, she's a nice girl. They definately need to talk things out clearly, it's not easy to have good communication in a relationship when one party decided not to talk about their problems. I'm a bit sad that this is the situation now.

Life works in mysterious ways. It really does.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Long Weekend Ahead :)

Managed to get meself an annual leave today! yay!

Work has been so hectic lately. Calls, calls, calls....non stop. Can't even rest if there are no calls, cases to log & cases to check. All comes with the job description. LoL!

Me birthday is around the corner. I'll be err..24 this year. Time does fly when you're not paying attention. tick tock tick tock, ding! My biological clock has been tuned to wake up at 5am. Been working the dawn shift which starts at 6am or 7am on a weekly rotation.

As usual after work I went to the gym to get a good workout. I'm glad I have a friend at the gym who gives me tips on how to workout...his name is Andy too. lol. He's a great motivator. Worked out for about 2+ hours, then headed for dinner with some friends from work. Ate at this restraunt or tea house/restraunt. Had their special sweet & sour fish set which was served in a japanese styled plate, where the are partitions for the food. Overall not a bad meal. Cheap too.

After dinner we went for a movie, a chinese movie called House Of Fury. With some popular Hong Kong actors. The movie was good, lots of laughs and comedy, but the movie was a bit too predictible. What I liked about the movie was the choreography of the fighting scenes. It was master "Yuen Wo-ping" work of art. If you didn't know he did all the Matrix choreography! There were some similar parts in this movie that you could see in the Matrix. It was all there, multiple fighting from all directions and stick fighting!

Andy's Movie-O-Meter : 5/10

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I got a call from a special friend yesterday. She seemed troubled and confused. It was nice to finally hear her talk about her problems. It seems she always holds it back, dosen't tell anyone about her problems. Not all of them.

I have given her all the advice I could think of. All decisions are made based on your own actions. No one can tell you what will happen, that's the future. What the future holds no one knows.

I'm worried for her, as a good friend I don't want to see her do anything stupid! Think hard about it before taking that step forward.

I want to help you. But you've got to help me understand so I can help you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

just another ordinary day

Today was a nice day. Woke up early and very much eager to work so that the weekend comes faster! Work was a little crazy today, calls buzzing in like all the computers were going to die all at once. Still surviving, still standing & still alive.

Hmm, got an e-mail from someone special. She read my blog! You know who you are :P. Not to worry a'right! I won't lie.

Anyways after work i headed straight to the gym to get a good workout. Had a chat from a pal who was my junior in High School. Working part time at the gym, damn...he's built! Really built for a 21 year old. He's a good motivator too, helped me out with my routine workout.

Was getting late and i decided to head home. After driving for about 10 minutes and just hitting the freeway my car decided to die on me! I managed to pull over to the side while the car was still rolling. I knew something was wrong, my fuel meter was showing at least a 1/4 tank of gas left. Then i heard the fuel pump going crazy...well that only meant...i'm out of gas. :[

Well this ain't the first time the car decided to just stop working. No drama & no panic, got my mobile phone and called my good friend Alex. After 1 hour of looking out my car window and seeing traffic pass by. He managed to save the day with 2 bottles of gas worth RM5. Thanks Alex a.k.a Lestat! LoL :)

Managed to drive to the nearest gas station and fill the car up.

Just an ordinary day. Yup!.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

weekend in Kuala Lumpur

Spent the weekend in Kuala Lumpur by myself. Left Penang on Saturday evening, checked in for my flight and boarded the plane and sat in my nice window seat. Best of all is that I got the whole row to myself! Woohoo! and I haven't taken a flight with the sun up. The worst thing is there were 2 ladies sitting infront of me and one of them kept talking on the phone just before take-off. Jeez! they just announced over the speaker "...please turn off all electronic devices including Handphones, for safety...". She had a flight stewardess asking her nicely to hang up and turn off the phone, which she did 10-20 seconds later.

I kept looking out the window and down to see if I could see my house and my workplace. Lolz. Lovely, view in the evening around 4:40pm in the sky. Looking out I saw the clouds which were so white and in nice shapes. The best moment looking out the window was seeing a rainbow in the sky! I don't know why but it made me smile and happy, I felt free for a while. Then we hit some bad weather and dark clouds, had some turbulence, no drama. Clear skies after that, saw most of KL from the sky. Just before we were going to land that lady who used the handphone, turned it on again to take a photo with the phone! OMG!!. I was thinking "which part of Turn Off Your Mobile Phones didn't she understand" the phone was the new O2 Mini. This time a steward told her to turn it off...she said yes..but took some photos again before turning it off.

Some people, huh.

Arrived in KLIA around 5:30pm. Took the nice and fast express train to KL central. Got a budget taxi to the hotel, The Royale Bintang. It's located right in the heart of town next to Times Square, Sungai Wang, BB Plaza and all the famous shopping stops. After I checked into the hotel I went straight down to walk around the new Times Square shopping complex. Was as big as I expected, but not as many shops there. Lots of teenagers there, just hanging out all over the place.

Walked for about 1 hour looking at clothes and stuff. Felt hungry, so I went out to look for a Burger King shop to eat some fast food. Weird thing is that I see McDonalds & KFC but i didn't see any Burger King store around that area! I really wanted to eat something that i isn't in Penang. So after seaching for about 30 mins i gave up and went to Sushi King.

Got a suprise in the restraunt. My Aunt and Cousin Sis showed up and greeted me.

After that i went back to my hotel room to rest. I planned to go have a drink at coffee bean for starbucks but i fell asleep and woke up around 2am. Lolz. Was suppose to wake up around 7am to do stuff.

Had an appointment to attend to at 9am. Finished around 11pm, called up my friends cause they were suppose to go driving at Sepang International Circuit, it's open track day. Everyone is given 3 hours to drive like around the F1 circuit. Got them to send me to the airport and flew back on the 6pm flight.

Thanks guys! Xarrax, Peng Ngun, Lau Chua, Camsaw and the rest who decided to eat an early dinner with me in the airport! lolz.

And here i am now. BLogging. :)

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Only photo i could take by myself!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

hanging out

Went out with some friends from work last night, watched Samara. Which isn't really what I'd expect the show to be. It isn't scary. Just a bit eerie.

Well anyways we all had some drinks at coffee bean and were trying to decide where to go next, took us 1 hour to decide. Lolz.

Ended up at a small mamak stall sipping tea.

Had a good chat with a long time no see friend Sherene who is now in the States. Talking about the old times and all the past memories. Thanks.

I'll be going to KL in 1 hours time for an opportunity of a lifetime.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Plan Plan Plan...

I've always had a jinx when it comes to planning for stuff. Everything would seem fine but then *Poof* everything would screw up.

I had a plan since January which screwed up big time.

I've got a plan this time and I hope it works out, at least once.

Things were never meant to be perfect, well...nothing is perfect.

Done a lot of planning, if this screws up then, well I can't help what fate has decided. much to do.

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Got a hair cut today!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Normal Day

Today it's a good day. I feel free to do whatever I want and talk to whomever I want.

It reminds me of a Beatles song I like to listen to:

The Beatles
Free As A Bird
Free as a bird,
it's the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.

Home, home and dry,
like a homing bird I'll fly
as a bird on wings.

Whatever happened to
the life that we once knew?
Can we really live without each other?

Where did we lose the touch
that seemed to mean so much?
It always made me feel so...

Free as a bird,
like the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.

Home, home and dry,
like a homing bird I'll fly
as a bird on wings.

Whatever happened to
the life that we once knew?
Always made me feel so free.

Free as a bird.
It's the next best thing to be.
Free as a bird.
Free as a bird.
Free as a bird.

I know the meaning of the song isn't actually what I'm relating to, but it does make me think about life and everything else around us.

Everyday I smile. I smile to forget and to forgive.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Cyber Cafe

Finding things to do is quite hard. But I managed to hang out with Peng Ngun, Julian, Alfred(Coach), Alex Yeoh and Edzil playing games in a cybercafe in town.

I met so many people there, old friends and mostly Dell friends. It felt like a community that is so framiliar. Been a while since I played too. Worst part of all is there is no Quake games. Unreal Tournamant 2004 was nice but played it for a while. Was playing War Craft 3 with them too...i suck so bad.

Still there are memories which flashed or reminded me of her. Like playing RO, which she liked. CS which she can't play well because it'll give her headaches. That's why we didn't go there anymore. :(

I recommend listening to John Legend's Get Lifted album. Nice Neo-Soul music. It's just nice.


Lots of bad news lately. Bad things happening. Most talked about would be the Pope, he's ill and will join God in his playground. It's his time to go, he's done all he can on earth. Nothing more can be done, he has served his purpose.

Everyone wants him to stay, but that just makes the pain worst for him. His devotion to the world must be what is holding him back.

I pray that all goes well which ever path he chooses.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Coffee Bean

Went out to Coffee Bean in Gurney Plaza with Peng Ngun, Julian, Edzil(is that how i spell it?), Emily, Jessica and SL. Everyone was fashionably late. Lolz.

Have a nice Ice Blended Mocha. Sat down and chat about work and all. Had a nice time just hanging out with some friends. Keeping myself occupied with the time I can kill. Left around 12:30am.

The Malaysian Rally is in Kulim this weekend. Sadly I don't really have the time to help out Ian Khong and the team. But at least we've got some TBS members who would help out on Sunday.

Today I feel at ease knowing that I can safely let go and not worry anymore. Peace.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Cooling Down

I decided to find out the purpose of her meeting with me yesterday. I know that "nothing" didn't really mean nothing. It meant something. She told me she missed me a little. I know that there is slight guilt and jelousy.

I went to see her personally. We chat like normal friends, she kept telling me about her new love life, she's so happy, she kept laughing. All I could do is smile and listen like a good friend would. At the same time I tought to myself(while smiling), this is what I wanted for her. I prayed to god, I asked for his strength and blessings. Happiness for her.


I'm going to find the strength to help me move on. I'm one part sad to see part of my life end like this and also one part happy for it.